Table of Contents


A Java assembler (or assembly) language is a low level programming language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in which there is a strong correspondence between the language constructs and the JVM bytecode. There is no official standard for the syntax of a Java assembler language. The JDK does contain something like a disassembler (but no assembler) - the javap utility - unfortunately the syntax of the javap's output has not been designed as a possible input to an assembler but rather with a focus on human readability. Accordingly no one ever tried to develop an assembler for this syntax. From 1996 onwards Jasmin has gradually established itself as a de-facto alternative standard for a Java assembler language, its syntax is however poorly documented and seems at times to lag considerably behind the development of the JVM itself.

This reference describes the syntax of the Java assembler language as defined by Lilac - an open source assembler/disassembler tool suite for the JVM.

Please note: this is a reference of the the Java assembler language, not of the Java language itself or of the Java Virtual Machine. So throughout this document a thorough knowledge of the Java language concepts as well as some basic understanding of the JVM's inner workings are assumed.


Throughout this specification the syntax definitions will be given in the Extended Backus-Naur Form - notation.

Language Basics

Lexical Structure

On the lexical level a Java assembler program is a sequence of words and separators. There are following separators in the language: ,  ;  :  {  }  -> . The words of a Java Assembler program fall, like in other programming languages, into three broad categories: keywords, literals and identifiers.


There are four different different literal types: integer literals, floating point literals, string literals and base64 literals. The syntax of the first three is the same as in the Java language. A base64 literal is just a base64 encoded byte sequence enclosed in square brackets. Additionally, there is, like, again, in the Java language, a special null - literal, which, when used, stands for a reference pointing to nowhere.

Here are some examples of a Java assembler literal:

"Hello Word"


The syntax of a Java assembler identifier is defined as follows:

identifier = quoted_identifier|unquoted_identifier;
quoted_identifier = "'", javaidentifier, "'";
identifier = javaidentifier, {'.' javaidentifier} ;

A javaidentifier from the definition above is a Java language identifier as defined in the Java Language specification.

Here are some examples of a valid Java assembler identifier:


Note: to avoid conflict with assembler keywords (which aren't the same as in java) it's possible to use single quotes around an identifier.

Binary Identifiers

Besides of java identifiers in a special case of directly referencing a class or interface so called binary identifiers may be used. The syntax of a binary identifier is as defined in the JVM specification, however with a slight difference - in order for the assembler to be able to distinguish java identifiers and binary identifiers a binary identifier must always contain a slash and so may start with one.

Here is the corresponding EBNF expression:

binary identifier = ['/'], javaidentifier, {'/' javaidentifier} ;

And here are some examples of a valid Java assembler binary identifier:



In addition to the words and separators a Java assembler program might also contain comments, whose syntax is, again, the same as in the Java Language.

Here are some examples of a comment:

//This is a sigle line comment
And this is
A multiple-line one

Syntactic Structure

Names and labels

On the syntactic level Java assembler has two different kinds of identifiers: names and labels. Names identify an entity declared in a program, in the context of Java assembler those entities can be variables and constants.

The following example shows two constants: a string constant referencing a utf8 constant by it's name:

const utf8 helloword_content "Hello World";
const string helloword helloword_content;

Additionally a assembler programm may contain names of external classes or interfaces, those have to be formatted as binary identifiers. The following example shows a macro class reference statement, referencing a class.

const classref java/lang/Object;

Labels on the other hand identify a location inside the program to which, for example, the control flow of the program might be transferred. This is illustrated in the following example where the if_acmpne instruction transfers the control to the return instruction

if_acmpne end;
putfield MyClass.int_field;
end: return;


On the syntactic level a Java assembler program is a sequence of statements, which come in three flavors: simple statements and block statements and macro instructions.

A block statement generally consists of some keywords followed by a sequence of member statements enclosed in curly brackets as illustrated in the following example:

private final field {
    name value_name;
    descriptor type_desc; 

In the example we see a field statement which in turn contains two further statements: a name statement and a descriptor statement.

A simple statement is just a sequence of keywords, identifiers and literals possibly separated by some separators and, this is important, always terminated by ;

Note: the definition given above is a most general definition of a simple statements, in case of particular statements there are always additional syntactic rules governing the occurrence and order of keywords, identifiers. literals and separators.

Here are some examples of a simple statement:

const nameandtype hash_nat hash_name, hash_desc;
line ir0, 532;
lookupswitch 1->ir36,3->ir41,100->ir46,default->ir53;
append else, {int};
const classref java/lang/Thread;

Because block statements themselves contain another statements the whole syntactic structure of a Java assembler program can be in effect seen as a forest of statements with block statements being parent nodes of their member statements. Because on the semantic level there is an additional requirement, that a Java assembler source file contains exactly one class statement, this forest is in fact just a tree with the class statement at the root.

The syntax of macro instructions will be introduced below in an extra chapter on the topic.

Language Statements

Having described above the general lexical and syntactic structure of a Java assembler program, the following chapters will cover the syntax and semantics of the particular statements used in Java assembler.

Class statement

A class statement specifies a class type. As already mentioned above, the must be exactly one class statement in a Java assembler source file. Note however, that in Java assembler the term "class" encompasses not only class types as defined by the Java language specification which includes classes in the narrow sense and enums, but also interface types including interfaces and annotation types.

A class statement, which is a block statement, consists of some class modifier keywords followed by the keyword class and then by some class member statements enclosed in curly brackets as defined in the following EBNF expression:

class statement = {class modifier}, 'class', '{',{class member},'}';
class modifier = 'public'|'final'|'abstract'|'super'|'interface'|'synthetic'|'annotation'|'enum';
class member = version|name|superclass|interfaces|source file|signature|synthetic|deprecated|constant|method|field|annotation|type annotation|bootstrap method|inner class|enclosing method|unknown attribute

Class modifiers

Class modifiers in the Java assembler correspond one to one to the access flags defined in the JVM specification as shown in the following table:

Assembler modifier keyword access flag from the Jvm spec

Read more about the meaning of modifiers as well as as about the rules governing the allowed combinations of modifiers in the JVM specification.

Class members

As mentioned above a class statement contains member statements. The following table lists all statements which can serve as members of a class statement. The second column of the table defines for each statement how many instances of it are allowed or required to exist within a class statement.

class member how many
version exactly one
name exactly one
superclass exactly one (except for the java.lang.Object class)
interfaces zero or one
synthetic zero or one
deprecated zero or one
source file zero or one
signature zero or one
constant zero or more
method zero or more
field zero or more
annotation zero or more
bootstrap method zero or more
inner class zero or more
enclosing method zero or more
unknown attribute zero or more

Class statement example

Here is an example of a class declaration including some members:

public interface abstract class {
    version 52.0;
    name ThisClass; 
    extends Object;
    const utf8 run_desc "()V";
    const utf8 RuntimeVisibleAnnotations_utf8 "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations";
    const utf8 SourceFile_utf8 "SourceFile";
    const utf8 Object_name "java/lang/Object";
    const utf8 ThisClass_name "java/lang/Runnable";
    const utf8 run_name "run";
    const classref Object Object_name; 
    const classref ThisClass ThisClass_name; 
    const utf8 type_desc "Ljava/lang/FunctionalInterface;";
    const utf8 source_file_name "";
    source file source_file_name; 
    annotation {
       type type_desc; 

    public abstract method {
        name run_name; 
        descriptor run_desc; 

Version statement

A version statement specifies the version of the class file format to use in the class file generated by the assembler. It is a simple statement with has as a single argument a floating point literal specifying the actual version number.

version statement = 'version', floating point literal, ';' ;


version 52.0;

Name statement

A name statement specifies the name of a class, a method, field,inner class or annotation element. It is a simple statement which has as a single argument the name of an utf8 constant or class reference constant which in turn specifies the actual name as defined in the following EBNF expression:

name statement = 'name', (utf8 constant|class reference constant), ';' ;

Note: for the name of a class the argument must be a class reference constant


name ThisClass;

Superclass statement

A superclass statement specifies the direct superclass of the current class. It is a simple statement which has as a single argument the name of a class reference constant which in turn specifies the actual super class as defined in the folowing EBNF expression:

superclass statement = 'extends', class reference constant, ';' ;


extends Object;

There must always exist a superclass statement within a class statement except for one special case: a class with the name java.lang.Object which is defined as the root of the Java class hierarchy.

Interfaces statement

An interfaces statement specifies the superintefaces of the current class. It is a simple statement with multiple arguments, every one of which is a name of a class reference constant. The class reference constants in turn specify the actual super interfaces of the current class. Every constant name may be preceded by a label. The following EBNF expression defines the syntax of an interfaces statement:

interfaces statement = 'implements', [label, ':'], class reference constant, {',',[label, ':'], class reference constant} , ';' ;


implements runnable: Runnable,Serializable;

Signature statement

A signature statement specifies a signature for a class, method or field. It is a simple statement whose single argument ist the name of an utf8 constant which in turn specifies the actual signature as defined in the following EBNF expression:

signature statement = 'signature', utf8 constant, ';' ;


signature ThisClassSignature;

Note: like the JVM itself the java assembler doesn't enforce the correct syntax of a signature. Read more about this syntax here.

Deprecated statement

This statement marks a class, method or field as deprecated. It consists of a single keyword as defined in the following EBNF expression:

deprecated statement = 'deprecated', ';' ;

Synthetic statement

This statement marks a class, method or field as synthetic, that is, as have been generated by the compiler itself without having a corresponding declaration in the underlying source file. It consists of a single keyword as defined in the following EBNF expression:

synthetic statement = 'synthetic', ';' ;

Source file statement

The source file statement specifies the source file from which the current class has been generated by a compiler. The main use of this information is for debugging purposes. It is a simple statement whose single argument the name of an utf8 constant which in turn specifies the actual source file name as defined in the following EBNF expression:

source file statement = 'source file', utf8 constant, ';' ;


source file SourceFileName;

Constant statements

A constant statement declares a constant which may be used by other statements in the program. Java assembler uses constants not only as symbolic names for literals like in high level program languages but also to hold dynamic linking infos like class, method or field references.

Utf8 constant statement

An utf8 constant statement declares an utf8 string constant. In has as a single argument a string literal, which specifies the value of the constant. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

utf8 constant statement = 'const', 'utf8', name, string literal, ';' ;


const utf8 helloworld "Hello World";

Class reference statement

A class reference statement declares a class reference constant. It has as a single argument the name of an utf8 constant which in turn specifies the actual class name. The utf8 constant must contain either a valid binary class name or a valid array type descriptor. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

class reference constant statement = 'const', 'classref',name, utf8 constant, ';' ;


const classref Object object_utf8;

Name and type statement

A name an type statement declares a name and type constant, that is, a constant combining a name and a type descriptor. The statement has the names of two utf8 constants as arguments. The first utf8 constant contains a valid field or method name, the second a valid field or method descriptor as defined in the JVM specification. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

name and type constant statement = 'const', 'nameandtype',name, utf8 constant, utf8 constant, ';' ;


const nameandtype hash_nat hash_name, hash_desc;

Field reference statement

A field reference statement declares a field reference constant. It has two arguments. The first argument specifies the name of a class reference constant which in turn specifies the actual class or interface owning the field. The second argument specifies the name of a name and type constant which in turn specifies the name an the type of the field. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

field reference statement = 'const', 'fieldref', name, class reference constant, name and type constant, ';' ;


const fieldref hash ThisClass, hash_nat;

Method reference statement

A method reference statement declares a class method reference constant. Note that this statement can be used only to define references for class methods while interface method references are defined using an interface method reference statement. The statement has two arguments: the first argument specifies the name or a class reference constant which in turn specifies the actual class owning the method, the second argument specifies the name of a name an type constant which in turn specifies the name an the type of the method. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

method reference statement = 'const', 'methodref',name, class reference constant, name and type constant, ';' ;


const methodref Character.isBmpCodePoint Character, Character.isBmpCodePoint_nat;

Interface method reference statement

An interface method reference statement declares an interface method reference constant. Note that this statement can be used only to define references for interface methods, while class method references are defined using an method reference statement. The statement has two arguments: the first argument specifies the name or a class reference constant which in turn specifies the actual interface in which the method resides, the second argument specifies the name of a name an type constant which in turn specifies the name an the type of the method. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

interface method reference statement = 'const',  'intfmethodref', name, class reference constant, name and type constant, ';' ;


const intfmethodref CharSequence.length CharSequence, AbstractStringBuilder.length_nat;

String statement

A string statement declares a string constant, which can be used by instructions. The statement has as a single argument the name of an utf8 constant, which specifies the actual string content. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

string statement = 'const', 'string', name, utf8 constant ';' ;


const string charsetName utf8_319;

Integer value statement

An integer value statement declares an integer constant. It has as a single argument an integer literal, which specifies the value of the constant. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

integer statement = 'const', 'int', name, integer literal, ';' ;


const int int_15 124567;

Long integer value statement

A long integer value statement declares a long integer constant. It has as a single argument an integer literal, which specifies the value of the constant. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

long integer statement = 'const', 'long', name, integer literal, ';' ;


const long long_15 124567;

Floating point value statement

A floating point value statement declares a floating point constant. It has as a single argument a floating point literal, which specifies the value of the constant. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

floating point value statement = 'const', 'float', name, floating point literal, ';' ;


const float float_15 123.5;

Double-precision floating point value statement

A double-precision floating point value statement declares a double-precision floaing point constant. It has as a single argument a floating point literal, which specifies the value of the constant. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

double-precision floating point value statement = 'const', 'double', name, floating point literal, ';' ;


const double double_15 123.5;

Method type statement

A method type statement declares a method type constant. It has as a single argument the name of an utf8 constant, which in turn specifies a valid method descriptor as defined in the JVM specification. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

method type statement = 'const', 'methodtype', name, utf8 constant, ';' ;


const methodtype mType mType_utf8;

Method handle statement

A method handle statement declares a method handle constant. The value of such constant is a typed, directly executable reference to an underlying method, constructor, field, or similar low-level operation, with optional transformations of arguments or return values. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

method handle statement = 'const ', ('getfield'|'getstatic'|'putfield'|'putstatic'|'invokespecial'|'invokevirtual'|'invokeinterface'|'invokestatic'|'newinvokespecial'), 'methodhandle', name,constant, ';' ;

As can be seen from the definition above a method handle defined by a method handle statement can belong to one of 9 different "kinds" (see more here ), specified by one of the 9 corresponding modifier keywords. The statement has as a single argument the name of a constant, which, dependent on the "kind", can be a field reference, a method reference or an interface method reference statement.


const getstatic methodhandle System.out;

Dynamic method reference statement

A dynamic method reference statement declares a dynamic method reference constant which can be used as an argument of the invokedynamic instruction. The statement has two arguments - the first argument specifies the name of a bootstrap method, the second argument specifies the name of a name and type constant. Read more about the exact meaning of these two arguments in the JVM specification. The syntax of the statement is as follows:

dynamic method reference statement = 'const', 'dynref', name, bootstrapmethod,',',name and type constant,';' ;


const dynref inv1 bootstrapmethod1, name_and_type1;

Field statement

A field statement declares a field within a class type. It is a block statement,which consists of some field modifier keywords followed by the keyword field and then by some field member statements enclosed in curly brackets as defined in the following EBNF expression:

field statement = {field modifier}, 'field', '{',{field member},'}' ;
field modifier = 'public'|'private'|'protected'|'static'|'final'|'volatile'|'transient'|'synthetic'|'enum' ;
field member = name|descriptor|constant value|signature|synthetic|deprecated|annotation|type annotation|unknown attribute ;

Field modifiers

Field modifiers in the Java assembler correspond one to one to the access flags defined in the JVM specification as shown in the following table:

Assembler modifier keyword access flag from the Jvm spec

Read more about the meaning of modifiers as well as as about the rules governing the allowed combinations of modifiers in the JVM specification

Field members

The following table lists all statements which can serve as members of a field statement. The second column of the table defines for each statement how many instances of it are allowed or required to exist within a field statement.

field member how many
name exactly one
descriptor exactly one
constant value zero or one
synthetic zero or one
deprecated zero or one
signature zero or one
annotation zero or more
unknown attribute zero or more

Field statement example

private static final field {
  name serialVersionUID_name; // serialVersionUID
  descriptor serialVersionUID_desc; // J
  constant value long_158; // -6849794470754667710

Descriptor statement

A name statement specifies the descriptor of a method or a field. It is a simple statement which has as a single argument the name of an utf8 constant which in turn specifies the actual descriptor string as defined in the following EBNF expression:

descriptor statement = 'descriptor', utf8 constant, ';' ;

Dependent on the statement's context the descriptor string must contain either a valid field descriptor or a valid method descriptor.


descriptor method_descriptor;

Constant value statement

A constant value statement specifies an initial value for a static field as described in the JVM specification. It is a simple statement which has as a single argument the name of a long, float, double, or string constant which in turn contains the actual value to assign as defined in the following EBNF expression:

constant value statement = 'constant','value', constant, ';' ;


constant value string123;

Method statement

A method statement declares a method within a class type. It is a block statement,which consists of some method modifier keywords followed by the keyword method and then by some method member statements enclosed in curly brackets as defined in the following EBNF expression:

method statement = {method modifier}, 'method', '{',{method member},'}' ;
method modifier = 'public'|'private'|'protected'|'static'|'final'|'synchronized'|'bridge'|'varargs'|'native'|'abstract'|'strict'|'synthetic' ;
method member = name|descriptor|exception|signature|synthetic|deprecated|annotation|parameter annotation|type annotation|annotation default|stack map|unknown attribute|variable|instruction|exception handler|line number table|variable table|variable type table|max stack|max locals;

Method modifiers

Method modifiers in the Java assembler correspond one to one to the access flags defined in the JVM specification as shown in the following table:

Assembler modifier keyword access flag from the Jvm spec

Read more about the meaning of modifiers as well as as about the rules governing the allowed combinations of modifiers in the JVM specification

Method members

The following table lists all statements which can serve as members of a method statement. The second column of the table defines for each statement how many instances of it are allowed or required to exist within a method statement.

method member how many
name exactly one
descriptor exactly one
exceptions zero or more
synthetic zero or one
deprecated zero or one
signature zero or one
annotation zero or more
annotation default zero or one
stack map zero or one
unknown attribute zero or more
variable zero or more
instruction zero or more
exception handler zero or more
line numbers zero or more
debug variables zero or more
max stack zero or one
max locals zero or one

Note: method members can appear in any order within a method statement. The order doesn't have any semantic meaning, however, different orders may result in binary different though semantically identical class files.

Method statement example

static method {
    name clinit0_name; // <clinit>
    descriptor method_desc$1; // ()V
    line numbers {
      line ir0, 129;
      line ir7, 1171;
    maxstack 3;
    ir0: iconst_0;
    anewarray ObjectStreamField;
    putstatic serialPersistentFields;
    ir7: new String$CaseInsensitiveComparator;
    invokespecial String$CaseInsensitiveComparator.init0;

Exceptions statement

An exceptions statement specifies exceptions which may be thrown by the surrounding method. It is a simple statement with multiple arguments. All arguments specify a name of a class reference constant. The class reference constants in turn specify the actual exception classes thrown by the method. Every class reference constant may be preceded by a label. The following EBNF expression defines the syntax of the exceptions statement:

exceptions statement = 'throws', [label, ':'], class reference constant, {',',[label, ':'], class reference constant} , ';' ;


throws ioexception: IOException,IllegalArgumentException;

Variable statement

A variable statement declares a local variable within a method statement. The statement specifies the type and the name of the variable, the allowed types being: double, float, int, long, object and returnadress. Additionally the index of the variable within the local variable array may be specified, either as an absolute index value or as an offset relative to the index of another variable. Note, that, dependent on the type, a variable can occupy one or two slots in the local variable array. For the variables whose declarations do not contain an index specification the assembler assigns an implicit index which is the slot following on the last slot occupied by the previously declared variables.

Note: The JVM specification allows multiple variables occupying the same slot in the local variable array.

The exact syntax of the variable statement is as defined in the following EBNF expression:

variable statement = 'var', variable type, identifier, [index], ';' ;
variable type = 'double'|'float'|'int'|'long'|'object'|'returnadress' ;
index  = 'at', [relative offset|non-negative integer] ;
relative offset = identifier, '+'|'-', non-negative integer ;


var int a;
var float b;
var double d1 at 0;
var double d2 at b - 1;
var double d2 at b;
var double d3;
var double d4 at b + 1;

The example above illustrates various possibilities to specify the index of a variable. The integer variable a has an implicit index 0 and occupies one slot. The floating point variable b also has an implicitl index, this time it is 1 and again occupies one slot. The double precision variable d1 has an explicitly specified index 0 (remember: multiple variables can occupy same slots) and occupies two slots. The variable d2 has, again, an explicitly specified index, this time however, the index has been specified as an offset relative to the slot occupied by b. And so on...

Instruction statements

An instruction statement specifies an instruction from the JVM instruction set within a method statement. An instruction statement generally starts with a mnemonic keyword which might be followed by one or more arguments. An argument of an instruction can be a name of a constant or a local variable, a label of an instruction or a literal. The instruction statement might be preceded by a label.

Correspondence betweeen the mnemonic keywords in Java assembler and the JVM instruction set.

In general the mnemonic keywords of the Java assembler correspond one to one with the instructions from the JVM instruction set. There are however the following exceptions:


normal load this;
wide store this;

Instruction categories

Most JVM instructions belong to one of three following categories: argumentless instructions, constant instructions, variable instructions and branch instructions. Additionally there are some instructions which don't fit an any of those broad categories but stand on their own.

Argumentless instructions

These are the instruction which don't have any specified arguments (they may however require parameters pushed on the stack bevore execution). The majority of the JVM instructions belong to this category. The following list contains all argumentless instructions with every entry linked to the corresponding section in the JVM specification:

aaload, aastore, aconst_null, areturn, arraylength, athrow, baload, bastore, caload, castore, d2f, d2i, d2l, dadd, daload, dastore, dcmpg, dcmpl, dconst_0, dconst_1, ddiv, dmul, dneg, drem, dreturn, dsub, dup, dup_x1, dup_x2, dup2, dup2_x1, dup2_x2, f2d, f2i, f2l, fadd, faload, fastore, fcmpg, fcmpl, fconst_0, fconst_1, fconst_2, fdiv, fmul, fneg, frem, freturn, fsub, i2b, i2c, i2d, i2f, i2l, i2s, iadd, iaload, iand, iastore, iconst_m1, iconst_0, iconst_1, iconst_2, iconst_3, iconst_4, iconst_5, idiv, imul, ineg, ior, irem, ireturn, ishl, ishr, isub, iushr, ixor, l2d, l2f, l2i, ladd, laload, land, lastore, lcmp, lconst_0, lconst_1, ldiv, lmul, lneg, lor, lrem, lreturn, lshl, lshr, lsub, lushr, lxor, monitorenter, monitorexit, nop, pop, pop2, return, saload, sastore, swap


Instructions with constant arguments

These are the instructions which have as a single argument the name of a constant. Dependent on the instruction there may be restrictions on the types of the constants allowed as argument. The following list contains all instructions from this category with every entry linkedto the corresponding section in the JVM specification:

invokeinterface, invokedynamic, anewarray, checkcast, getfield, getstatic, instanceof, invokespecial, invokestatic, invokevirtual, ldc2_w, ldc2, new, putfield, putstatic


new java.lang.String;
Instructions with local variable arguments

These are the instructions which have as a single argument the name of a local valiable. Dependent on the instruction there may be restrictions on the types of the variables allowed as argument. The following list contains all instructions from this category with every entry linked to the corresponding section in the JVM specification:

aload, astore, dload, dstore, fload, fstore, iload, istore, lload, lstore,ret


aload this;
Branch instructions

These are the instructions ordering the virtual machine to transfer, conditionaly or unconditionally,the execution flow to an instruction different than the next instruction. Branch instructions have as a single argument the label of the instruction to which the execution flow will be transferred. The following list contains all instructions from this category with every entry linkedto the corresponding section in the JVM specification:

goto, goto_w, if_acmpeq, if_acmpne, if_icmpeq, if_icmpge, if_icmpgt, if_icmple, if_icmplt, if_icmpne, ifeq, ifge, ifgt, ifle, iflt, ifne, ifnonnull, ifnull, jsr, jsr_w


goto end;
Integer literal instructions

These are the instructions which take an integer literal as argument. There are two instructions of this type: bipush, taking argument values from -128 to 127, and sipush, taking argument values from -32768 to 32767.


bipush 120;
sipush 1000;
iinc instruction

The iinc instruction takes two arguments: the name of a local variable and an integer literal in the value range from -128 to 127.


iinc counter,2;
newarray instruction

The newarray instruction, which creates a primitive array on the stack, has a special syntax consisting of two keywords: the newarray keyword followed by the keyword designating a primitive type which can be one of the following: boolean, byte, char, double, float, int, long, short**.

multianewarray instruction

The multianewarray instruction, which creates a multidimensional array, takes two arguments: the name of a class reference constant and a integer literal in the range from 1 to 255.


multianewarray Object,3;
Switch instructions

Switch instructions, which include tableswitch and lookupswitch, are special branch instructions which calculate their target dependent on the integer value on the stack. A switch instruction has multiple arguments with a special syntax: an integer literal or the keyword default followed by -> and then by the label of the target instruction.


tableswitch 0->target0,1->target1,default->defaulttarget;

Bytecode ranges

Some statements require as arguments so called bytecode ranges. A bytecode range is just a sequence of instructions specified by two instruction labels separated by ->. The first of the two labels is the label of the first instruction in the range. The second labeld is either the label of the last instruction in the sequence or the label of the first instruction after the sequence. In the first case the specified bytecode range is an including bytecode range otherwise it is an excluding byte code range. When specifying an excluding byte code range the second label may be omitted indicating that the bytecode range includes all instructions beginning with the first instruction and ending with the last instruction in the method.



Exception Handler statement

An exception handler statement specifies an exception handler within a method. This statement is neither a simple statement nor a block statement but has it's own special syntax which is defined in the following EBNF expression:

exception handler statement = [label, ':'], 'try', including bytecode range, catch, class reference constant|'all', 'go', 'to', label, ';' ;

The statement starts with the try keyword, possibly preceded by a label. It follows an including bytecode range, to which the handler applies. As next appears the keyword catch followed either by the name of a class reference constant, which specifies the exception class handled by the handler, or by the keyword all, which indicates that the handler handles all exceptions. At last we see keywords go and to followed by the label of the instruction, to which the handler transfers the execution flow if an exception occures.


firstHandler: try begin -> end catch RuntimeException go to handlerBegin;

Line numbers statement

A line numbers statement specifies a mapping between the line numbers of the original source file and the instructions of the surrounding method. It is a block statement which contains a sequence of line number statements as defined in the following EBNF expression:

line numbers statement = 'line', 'numbers', '{', {line number}, '}' ;


line numbers {
    line label, 5;

Line number statement

A line number statement specifies the correspondence between an instruction and a line in the original source file. This is a simple statement with two arguments, the first argument is the label of the instruction, the second is an integer literal specifing the number of the source file line. The exact syntax is as follows:

line number statement = 'line', label, line number, ';' ;


line label, 5;

Debug variables statement

A debug variables statement specifies a mapping between the local variables in a method and variables in the original source file. It is a block statement which contains a sequence of debug variable statements as defined in the following EBNF expression:

debug variables statement = 'debug', 'variables',{'types'} '{', {debug variable}, '}' ;


debug variables {
    var this, ir0, this_name, this_desc;

Note: the optional keyword types indicates that the mapping includes signatures of the source variables. The absence of the keyword indicates that the descriptors are included.

Debug variable statement

A debug variable statement specifies a mapping between a local variable in a method and a variable in the original source file. It is a simple statement with four arguments: the name of the local variable, an excluding bytecode range to which the mapping applies, a name of an utf8 constant specifying the name of the variable in the original source file, and at last a name of an utf8 constant specifying, dependent on the type of the surrounding block statement either the descriptor of the variable in the original source file or its signature.

The exact syntax is defined in the following EBNF expression:

debug variable statement = 'var', name, ',', excluding bytecode range, ',',  utf8 constant, ',', utf8 constant, ';' ;


var this, ir0, this_name, this_desc;

Max stack statement

A max stack statement specifies the maximum runtime size of the stack of a method. If this member is absent in a method statement the Java assembler will calculate this size itself. It is a simple statement with one argument - an integer literal specifying the actual stack size as defined in the following EBNF expression:

max stack statement = 'maxstack', integer literal, ';' ;


maxstack 5;

Max locals statement

A max locals statement specifies the size of the local variable array of a method. If this member is absent in a method statement the Java assembler will infer this size from the variable statements. It is a simple statement with one argument - an integer literal specifying the actual size as defined in the following EBNF expression:

max locals statement = 'maxlocals', integer literal, ';' ;


maxlocals 5;

Stackmap statement

A stackmap statement specifies the stackmap. There are two variants of this statement: The first simple variant, to be used by developers, consists just of a single keyword stackmap. This variant tells the assembler to generate the stackmap of the method itself. The second variant actually specifies the entire complicated stackmap structure and is primarily intended for the use by the disassembler in order to ensure the perfect assembler/disassembler roundtrip. In this specification no detailed explanation will be given for the second variant, as it shouldn't be used by developers. You might however get additional information from the JVM specification. The syntax of the second variant is as defined in the folowing EBNF expression:

stackmap statement = 'stackmap', '{', {stackmap frame}, '}';
stackmap frame = append|chop|same frame|same frame extended|same locals|same locals extended|full ;
append = 'append', label, typeslist, ';' ;
chop = 'chop', label, integer literal, ';' ;
same frame = 'same', label, ';' ;
same frame extended = 'same', 'extended', label, ';' ;
same locals = 'same', 'locals', label, types list, ';' ;
same locals extended = 'same', 'locals',  'extended', label, typeslist, ';' ;
full = 'full', label, typeslist, typeslist, ';' ;
typeslist = '{', {'double'|'float'|'int'|'long'|'null'|'uninitialized'|'unititializedthis'|'top'},  '}' ;

Example (first variant):


Example (second variant):

stackmap {
  full ir17, {object ThisClass,object classref_214,int,int}, {};
  same ir30;
  same ir49;

Inner class statement

An inner class statement within a class statement declares an "inner class"-relationship between two classes.One of the classes participating in the relationship is usually the current class, though it is not a requirement. The inner class statement is a block statement,which consists of some modifier keywords followed by the keywords inner and class and then by some inner class member statements enclosed in curly brackets as defined in the following EBNF expression:

inner class statement = {inner class modifier}, 'inner', 'class', '{',{inner class member},'}' ;
inner class modifier = 'public'|'private'|'protected'|'static'|'final'|'interface'|'abstract'|'synthetic'|'annotation'|'enum' ;
inner class member = name|inner|outer;


public inner class {
    inner Foo$;
    outer Foo;
    name Foo_name;

Inner class modifiers

Inner class modifiers in the Java assembler correspond one to one to the access flags defined in the JVM specification as shown in the following table:

Assembler modifier keyword access flag from the Jvm spec

Inner class members

An inner class statement contains member statements, referred to in the definition above as inner class members. The following table lists all statements which can serve as members of an inner class statement. The second column of the table defines for each statement how many instances of it are allowed or required to exist within a method statement.

method member how many
inner exactly one
outer zero or one
name zero or one

Inner statement

This statement within an inner-class-statement specifies the inner end of the "inner class"-relationship. It has as a single argument the name of a class reference constant which in turn specifies the actual class as defined in the folowing EBNF expression:

inner statement = 'inner', class reference, ';' ;

Outer statement

This statement within an inner-class-statement specifies the outer end of the "inner class"-relationship. It has as a single argument the name of a class reference constant which in turn specifies the actual class as defined in the folowing EBNF expression:

outer statement = 'outer', class reference, ';' ;

Enclosing method statement

An enclosing statement specifies the enclosing method for the inner end of an "inner class"-relationship between two classes (see also Inner class statement). This is a simple statement, which has two arguments of which the second is optional. The first argument is the name of a class reference constant, which specifies the class of the enclosing method. The second argument is the name of a name and type constant, which specifies the name and the type of the enclosing method. The absence of the second argument means that the inner class isn't enclosed in a method. The exact syntax of the statement is as defined in the following EBNF expression:

enclosing method statement = 'enclosing', 'method', class reference, [',', name and type], ';' ;


enclosing method InnerClassTests, nameandtype_26;

Bootstrap method statement

A bootstrap method statement specifies a bootstrap method which can be referenced by a dynamic method reference. It is a simple statement with multiple (at least one) arguments. The statement consists of the keywords bootstrap and method followed by the name of the method and then by comma separated arguments. The first argument specifies a name of a method handle constant. Further arguments, if present, specify names of further constants to be used as arguments of the bootstrap method as defined in the JVM specification. The exact syntax of the statement is as defined in the following EBNF expression:

bootstrap method statement = 'bootstrap', 'method', method name, method handle constant, {',', argument constant} ;


bootstrap method firstBootstrapMethod method_handle, string1, string2;

Annotation statement

An annotation statement declares either an annotation for a class, method,method parameter,field or a type declaration or a nested annotation within another annotation. It is a block statement which consists of the keyword annotation folowed by annotation member statements enclosed in curly brackets and possibly preceded by some of the following keywords: invisible, parameter, type as defined in the following EBNF expression:

annotation statement = {'invisible'|'parameter'|type}, 'annotation', '{',{annotation member},'}' ;
annotation member = annotation type|annotation element

The meaning of the keywords preceding annotaion is as follows:

invisible - marks the annotation as invisible at runtime

parameter - states that the current annotation is a method parameter annotation. In this case the presence of the annotation parameter index as member is also requred. Note: parameter annotations are only allowed within a method statement

type - states that the current annotation is a type annotation. In this case the presence of the annotation target as member is also required.

Example (Deprecated annotation):

annotation {
  type type_desc; // Ljava/lang/Deprecated;

Annotation members

An annotation statement contains member statements, referred to in the definition above as annotation members. The following table lists all statements which can serve as members of an annotation statement. The second column of the table defines for each statement how many instances of it are allowed or required to exist within an annotation statement.

method member how many
annotation type exactly one
annotation element zero or more
annotation parameter index zero or one
annotation target zero or one
annotation target path zero or one

Annotation type statement

An annotation type statement declares the type (annotation class) of the surrounding annotation. It is a simple statement which has as a single argument a name of class reference constant, which in turn specifies the annotation class as defined in the following EBNF expression:

annotation type statement = 'type', class reference, ';' ;


type type_desc;

Annotation parameter index statement

An annotation parameter index statement specifies the index of a method parameter for which the surrounding annotation is being declared. It is a simple statement which has as a single argument an integer literal specifying the actual index as defined in following EBNF expression:

annotation parameter index statement = 'index',integer literal,';'

The index specified has to be a valid index of a parameter of the method for which the annotation has been declared.


index 0;

Annotation element statement

An annotation element statement specifies the value of an annotation element within annotation. An annotation element statement, which is block statement, consists auf the keyword element followed by some annotation member statements enclosed in curly brackets as defined in the following EBNF expression:

annotation element statement = 'element','{',{annotation element member},'}' ;
annotation element member = name|annotation element value ;


element {
    name element1_name;
    string value empty_string; 
Annotation element members

An annotation element statement contains member statements, referred to in the definition above as annotation element members. The following table lists all statements which can serve as members of an annotation element statement. The second column of the table defines for each statement how many instances of it are allowed or required to exist within a annotation element statement.

method member how many
name exactly one
annotation element value zero or one
annotation zero or one

An annotation element always has exactly two members: a name statement, specifying the name of the element and a value statement, which is either a annotation element value statement or a nested annotation

Annotation element value statement

An annotation element value statement either specifies a value for an annotation element or serves as a member for another array annotation element value . This value can be a simple value, an enumeration value or an array value. Every one of these three varieties has a different syntax which will be explained below:

Simple value

The syntax for a simple value is that of a simple statement which consists of type keyword followed by the keyword value an the by a single argument. The single argument is the name of a constant, the exact type of which dependends on the type of the value specified by the type keyword. The EBNF expression of the syntax is as follows:

simple value = type keyword, 'value', constant name, ';'
type keyword = 'byte'|'boolean'|'char'|'class'|'float'|'double'|'int'|'long'|'short'|'string'


boolean value int_0;
Enumeration value

The syntax for an enumeration value is that of a simple statement which has two arguments as defined in the following EBNF experssion:

enumeration value = 'enum', 'value', utf8 constant name, utf8 constant name, ';' ;

The first argument is the name of a utf8 constant specifing the type descriptor an enumeration class, the second is the name of an utf8 constant which specifies the name of the enumeration member.


enum value type_desc, utf8_DAYS;
Array value

The syntax for an array value ist that of a block statement. This block statement can contain any number of nested annotation element values as defined in the foolowing EBNF expression:

array value = 'array','value','{',{annotation element value},'}' ;


array value {
    boolean value int_0;
    boolean value int_1;

Annotation target statement

An annotation target statement denotes the kind of target on which a type annotation appears. The various kinds of targets correspond to the contexts of the Java programming language in which types can be used in declarations and expressions. Dependent on the actual target the statement can have various syntactic forms, which will be listed below.

Return target

States that the annotation appears on the return type of а method.


return target statement = 'targets', 'return', 'type', ';' ;


targets return type;
Receiver type target

States that the annotation appears on the type of the receiver parameter of а method.


receiver type target statement = 'targets', 'receiver', 'type', ';' ;


targets receiver type;
Field type target

States that the annotation appears on the type of а field.


field type target statement = 'targets', 'field', 'type', ';' ;


targets field type;
Parameter type target

States that the annotation appears on the type of а method parameter. This statement has an integer literal argument which denotes the index of the parameter


parameter type target statement = 'targets', 'parameter', 'type', integer literal, ';' ;


targets parameter 0;
Parameter type bound target

States that the annotation appears on the type in the bound of а method parameter. This statement has two integer literal arguments where the first denotes the index of the parameter and the second the index of the annotated type within the bound.


parameter type bound target statement = 'targets', 'type', 'parameter', 'bound', integer literal, ',', integer literal, ';' ;


targets type parameter bound 0, 1;
Type parameter target

States that the annotation appears on the type parameter of a generic class, interface, method or constructor. This statement has an integer literal as argument which denotes the index of the type parameter.


type parameter target statement = 'targets', 'type', 'parameter', integer literal, ';' ;


targets type parameter 0;
Supertype target

States that the annotation appears on the type in the extends or implements clause of a class. This statement has an optional argument - a label which, if present, denotes annotated type from the implements clause. The absence of this argument indicates that the annotation appears in the extends clause.


supertype target statement = 'targets', 'supertype', [interface label], ';' ;


targets supertype runnable;
Exception type target

States that the annotation appears on the exception type in the throws clause of a method. This statement has as single argument a label denoting the actual exception type from the throws clause.


exception type target statement = 'targets', 'throws', exception label, ';' ;


targets throws illegalargumentexception;
New type target

States that the annotation appears on the type in a new expression. This statement has has as single argument a label which points to the corresponding new instruction.


new type target statement = 'targets', 'new', label, ';' ;


targets new newLabel;
Instanceof type target

States that the annotation appears on the type in a instanceof expression. This statement has as single argument a label which points to the corresponding instanceof instruction.


instanceof type target statement = 'targets', 'instanceof', label, ';' ;


targets instanceof instanceofLabel;
Method reference type target

States that the annotation appears on the type in a method reference expression. This statement has as single argument a label which points to the corresponding bytecode instruction.


method reference type target statement = 'targets', 'method', 'reference', label, ';' ;


targets method reference methRefLabel;
Constructor reference type target

States that the annotation appears on the type in a constructor reference expression. This statement has as single argument a label which points to the corresponding bytecode instruction.


constructor reference type target statement = 'targets', 'constructor', 'reference', label, ';' ;


targets constructor reference methRefLabel;
Cast type target

States that the annotation appears on the type in a cast expression. This statement has two arguments. The first argument is the label of the corresponding bytecode instruction, the second is an integer literal, which specifies the index of the actual type in the cast expression. A value of 0 in the second argument specifies the first (or only) type in the cast operator. The possibility of more than one type in a cast expression arises from a cast to an intersection type.


cast type target statement = 'targets', 'cast', 'type', label, integer literal, ';' ;


targets cast type castLabel, 0;
Constructor type argument target

States that the annotation appears on the type argument in a generic constructor invocation. This statement has two arguments. The first arguments´ is the label of the corresponding bytecode instruction, the second is an integer literal, which specifies the index of the actual type argument.


constructor type argument target statement = 'targets', 'constructor', 'type', 'argument', label, integer literal, ';' ;


targets constructor type argument newLabel, 0;
Method type argument target

States that the annotation appears on the type argument in a generic method invocation. This statement has two arguments. The first argument is the label of the corresponding bytecode instruction, the second is an integer literal, which specifies the index of the actual type argument.


method type target statement = 'targets', 'method', 'type', 'argument', label, integer literal, ';' ;


targets method type argument methodIvokeLabel, 0;
Constructor reference type argument target

States that the annotation appears on the type argument in a generic constructor reference invocation. This statement has two arguments. The first argument is the label of the corresponding bytecode instruction, the second is an integer literal, which specifies the index of the actual type argument.


constructor reference type argument target statement = 'targets', 'constructor', 'reference', 'type', 'argument', label, integer literal, ';' ;


targets constructor reference type argument label, 0;
Method reference type argument target

States that the annotation appears on the type argument in a generic method reference invocation. This statement has two arguments. The first argument is the label of the corresponding bytecode instruction, the second is an integer literal, which specifies the index of the actual type argument.


method reference type target statement = 'targets', 'method', 'reference', 'type', 'argument', label, integer literal,';' ;


targets method reference type argument label, 0;
Catch type target

States that the annotation appears on the type argument in a catch expression. This statement has as single argument the label of the corresponding exception handler.


catch type target statement = 'targets', 'catch', 'type', label,';' ;


targets catch type handlerLabel;
Variable type targetVariable

States that the annotation appears on the type of a local variable or resource variable. This is a block statement with the following syntax:

variable type target statement = 'targets', ['resource'], 'var', 'types', '{', {excluding bytecode range},'}' ;

The member statements of the block statement are excluding bytecode ranges specifying the areas of the method's bytecode where the variable is valid.


targets var types {
    begin -> end

Annotation target path statement

An annotation target path statements specifies the exact location of the annotation within a array, nested or parametrized type. (see also the explanations in the JVM specification). It is a simple statement with a variable number of arguments each of which specifies an iterative, left-to-right step towards the precise location of the annotation in the type. The exact syntax of the statement is defined in the following EBNF expression:

annotation target path statement = 'target', 'path', path part, {path part} ;
path part = 'array'|'nested'|'type', 'argument', 'bound'|'type', 'argument', '(', integer literal, ')' ;


target path array;
target path type argument bound;
target path type argument(1);

Read more about the the meaning of the different argument types in the JVM specification.

Annotation default statement

An annotation default statement specifies the default value of an annotation type element. Because annotation type elements are technically methods of annotation classes annotation default statements are always members of the corresponding method statements. An annotation default statement is a block statement with exact one member - an annotation element value which specifies the actual value. The syntax is defined in the following EBNF expression:

annotation default statement = 'annotation', 'default', '{', {annotation element value}, '}' ;


annotation default {
    boolean value int_0;

Unknown attribute

An unknown attribute statement specifies an attribute of the class file whose syntax is unknown to the assembler. This statement is primarily intended for the use by the disassembler in order to represent attributes either specific to a JVM implementation or just, though standard, not implemented by the assembler - the second case ensuring a compatibility to the future versions of the JVM. It is a simple statement with a base64 literal as a single argument. The base64 literal specifies the binary content of the attribute. The exact syntax of the statement is defined in the following EBNF expression:

unknown attribute statement = 'unknown', 'attribute', ['code'], base64 literal ;


unknown attribute [UG9seWZvbiB6d2l0c2NoZXJuZCBhw59lbiBNw6R4Y2hlbnMgVsO2Z2VsIFLDvGJlbiwgSm9naHVydCB1bmQgUXVhcms=];


The statements which have been described up until now are of the "low level" kind. The "low level" property in this context means especially two things:

In principle low level statements are entirely sufficient to produce anything acceptable to the JVM. However, after having used the lilac assembler for a while for different reverse engineering purposes the author realized, that, unfortunately, "sufficient" doesn't means comfortable. Regard the simple task of logging the content of some variable to a system output, something you need time and time again while trying to understand how a disassembled class works. To achieve the same result as with this simple java statement:

System.out.println("The content of the variable a is: "+a);

a being a local integer variable, you have to define a big plethora of 31 constants:

const classref System System_name;
const utf8 System_name "java/lang/System";
const utf8 out_name "out";
const utf8 out_desc "Ljava/io/PrintStream;";
const nameandtype System.out_nat out_name,out_desc;
const fieldref System.out System,System.out_nat;
const classref PrintStream PrintStream_name;
const utf8 PrintStream_name "java/io/PrintStream";
const utf8 println_name "println";
const utf8 println_desc "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
const nameandtype PrintStream.println_nat println_name,println_desc;
const methodref PrintStream.println PrintStream,PrintStream.println_nat;
const utf_8 StringBuffer_name "java/lang/StringBuffer";
const classref StringBuffer StringBuffer_name;
const utf8 init0_name "<init>";
const utf8 init0_desc "()V";
const nameandtype StringBuffer.init0_nat init0_name, init0_desc;
const methodref StringBuffer.init0 StringBuffer, StringBuffer.init0_nat;
const utf8 append_name "append";
const utf8 appendI_desc "(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;";  
const nameandtype StringBuffer.appendI_nat append_name, appendI_desc;
const methodref StringBuffer.appendI StringBuffer, StringBuffer.appendI_nat;
const utf8 appendS_desc "(Ljava/langString;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;";  
const nameandtype StringBuffer.appendS_nat append_name, appendS_desc;
const methodref StringBuffer.appendS StringBuffer, StringBuffer.appendS_nat;
const utf8 toString_name "toString";
const utf8 toString_desc "()Ljava/lang/String;";    
const nameandtype StringBuffer.toString_nat toString_name, toString_desc;
const methodref StringBuffer.toString StringBuffer, StringBuffer.toString_nat;
const utf8 prefix_content "The content of the variable a is: ";
const string prefix prefix_content;

and 10 instructions:

getstatic System.out;
new StringBuffer;
invokespecial StringBuffer.init0;
invokevirtual StringBuffer.appendS;
iload a;
invokevirtual StringBuffer.appendI;
invokevirtual StringBuffer.toString;
invokevirtual PrintStream.println;

And all that you have to do every time you need such a really trivial feature. Of course, one may say, that that is what assembler programming is all about - much routine work, but programmers are lazy and the author is a programmer and so, after having put himself through the ordeal of constant defining multiple times, he understood that shortcuts are urgently needed. The idea of macro statement or, for short, macros (which of course wasn't something really new at all) was born and after some months of work introduced in the version 1.1 of lilac.

There are three different kinds of macros in lilac:

Macro constant statements

Those are just shortcuts to reduce the amount of type work necessary to define a constant.

For example, the following macro class reference statement:

const classref String java/Lang/String;

is equivalent to the following two low level constant statements:

const utf8 String_name "java/Lang/String";
const classref String String_name;

Macro variants of field and method statements

For example the following macro field statement declares a string array field, just like in Java itself.

public java/lang/String [] string_array_field;

On encountering this declaration the assembler will generate all constants needed by a non-macro field statement

Macro instructions

Macro instructions are extensions to the original java assembler which provide the means to generate a commonly used instruction sequence together with necessary constant declarations. For example the following macro instruction .invokevirtual:

.invokevirtual(toString, ref);

calls the method toString (toString is the name of a method reference, which is defined elsewhere) on the local variable ref.

The rest of this chapter covers the syntax and semantics of various macro statements in more detail.

Java type

The following descriptions of the various macro statements make use of the construct java type which is very similar to the type construct in Java itself as specified in the following EBNF expression:

java type = primitive type|class type|array type ;
primitive type = 'byte'|'boolean'|'char'|'double'|'float'|'int'|'long'|'short' ;
class type = identifier|binary identifier ;
array type = (primitive type|class type), '[', ']', {'[', ']'} ;


boolean [] []
String []
java/lang/Runtime [] []

If a java type contains a reference to a class type, this reference can be expressed either as an identifier specifying a class constant or a binary identifier which directly specifies the class.

Macro string statement

A macro string statement instructs the assembler to create two constants needed to declare a string constant

The syntax of the statement is as follows:

macro string statement = 'const', 'string', name, string literal, ';' ;


const string hello_world_str "Hello world!";

Macro class reference statement

A macro class reference statement instructs the assembler to create all constants needed to declare a class reference constant.

The syntax of the statement is as follows:

macro class reference statement = 'const', 'classref', (binary identifier|array type), ['as', class reference name], ';' ;

If 'as' class reference name part is present, which is required if a reference to an array type is being declared, then the defined class reference constant will have the name. Otherwise the last part of the binary identifier will be used as name.


const classref java/lang/String

The above statement declares a class reference constant named String which specifies a reference to the class java.lang.String

const classref int[] as int_array;

The above statement declares a class reference constant named int_array which specifies a reference to the array type [I

Macro field reference statement

A macro field reference statement instructs the assembler to create all constants needed to declare a field reference constant.

The syntax of the statement is as follows:

macro field reference statement = 'const', 'fieldref', java type, field name, 'from', (class reference constant name|binary identifier), ['as', field reference name], ';' ;

The name of the generated field reference constant by which it can be accessed in the rest of the source code is specified in the 'as' field reference name if available. If 'as' field reference name clause is not available, then the name will be generated as a concatenation of the class constant name, a point, and the field name, if the declaring class of the field is specified by the name of a class reference constant. If the declaring class is defined by a binary identifier then the last part of this identifier is taken instead and concatenated with a point followed by the field name.


const fieldref String 'name' from Car;

The above statement declares a field reference constant named which specifies a reference to the string field name from the (invented) class com/example/Car. Both the class java/lang/String and the class com/example/Car have been specified by class reference constants.

const fieldref String 'name' from com/example/Car;

The above statement declares again a field reference constant named which specifies a reference to the string field name from the (invented) class com/example/Car, This time, however, the class com/example/Car has been specified by a binary identifier.

const fieldref String 'name' from com/example/Car as car_name;

This third variant of the two statements above declares again a field reference constant which specifies a reference to the string field name from the (invented) class com/example/Car, However, the name of the resulting field reference constant has been, this time, specified explicitly as car_name.

Macro method reference statement

A macro method reference statement instructs the assembler to create all constants needed to declare a method reference constant or an interface method reference constant.

The syntax of the statement is as follows:

macro method reference statement = const, ('methodref'|'intfmethodref'), method return type, method name, '(', method parameters,')', 'from', (class reference constant name|binary identifier),['as', method reference name], ';' ;
method return type = java type|'void' ;
method parameters = method parameter, {',', method parameter} ;
method parameter = java type, parameter name

The above ebnf expressions describe essentially a syntax which is very similar to the definition of the method signature in the Java language. The name of the method reference generated is specified in the same fashion as has been described above in the specification of the macro field reference statement.


const intfmethodref void run() from java/lang/Runnable;

The above statement declares an interface method reference constant named which specifies a reference to the method run in the class java/lang/Runnable.

const methodref java/io/Writer append(CharSequence s, int start, int end) from  java/io/Writer as writer_append;

The above statement declares an method reference constant named writer_append which specifies a reference to one of several methods append in the class java/io/Writer. Note that the references to the class java/io/Writer have been specified using a binary identifier while for the reference to the interface java/lang/CharSequence a class reference constant has beed used.

Macro field statement

A macro field statement is a high-level variant of the field statement which instructs the assembler to create automatically all constants needed to specify the name and the signature of the field to be declared.

The syntax of the statement is as follows:

macro field statement = {field modifier}, java type, name , ('{',{field member},'}'|';') ;
field modifier = 'public'|'private'|'protected'|'static'|'final'|'volatile'|'transient'|'synthetic'|'enum' ;
field member = constant value|signature|synthetic|deprecated|annotation|type annotation|unknown attribute ;

The syntax is a modification of the original field statement which replaces the header with a java-like field declaration (omitting the keyword field) and allows to terminate the statement with ; when no field members are there. The field modifiers and field members are the same as in the original statement except for the name statement as well as descriptor statement which aren't allowed as members anymore because the name and the descriptor of the field are derived from the statement header.


public int size;
private String title {

Macro method statement

A macro method statement is a high-level variant of the method statement which instructs the assembler to create automatically all constants needed to specify the name and the signature of the method to be declared. Additionally the statement generates local variables corresponding to method parameters as well as the special variable this which can then be used as parameters in subsequent instructions just like ordinary variables.

macro method statement = {method modifier}, method name, '(', method parameters,')', ('{',{method member},'}' | ';' ) ;
method return type = java type|'void' ;
method parameters = method parameter, {',', method parameter} ;
method parameter = java type, parameter name ;
method modifier = 'public'|'private'|'protected'|'static'|'final'|'synchronized'|'bridge'|'varargs'|'native'|'abstract'|'strict'|'synthetic' ;
method member = exception|signature|synthetic|deprecated|annotation|parameter annotation|type annotation|annotation default|stack map|unknown attribute|variable|instruction|exception handler|line number table|variable table|variable type table|max stack|max locals;

The syntax is a modification of the original method statement which replaces the header with a java-like method declaration (omitting the keyword method) and allows to terminate the statement with ; when no method members are there. The method modifiers and method members are the same as in the original statement except for the name statement as well as descriptor statement which aren't allowed as members anymore because the name and the descriptor of the field are derived from the statement header. Note that additionally to valid java identifiers special words and can be used as method name to declare constructors and static initializers.


static <clinit>() {
    line numbers {
      line ir0, 129;
      line ir7, 1171;
    maxstack 3;
    ir0: iconst_0;
    anewarray ObjectStreamField;
    putstatic serialPersistentFields;
    ir7: new String$CaseInsensitiveComparator;
    invokespecial String$CaseInsensitiveComparator.init0;

public abstract void init(String title);

Macro instructions

Macro instructions tell the assembler to create a particular sequence of instructions together with possibly needed constants to perform an operation. The syntax and the semantics of a macro instruction call are similar to a call of a function/method in other program languages.

A macro instruction usually expects some parameters of a particular type, which are specified in the macro instruction call, and may return after it's execution a value which is pushed on the stack of JVM and may be used by subsequent instructions.

At the moment only built-in macro instructions can be used as there is no way to extend the assembler with own macro instructions (apart from extending the source code of lilac itself).

Macro instruction statement

A macro instruction statement instructs the assembler to generate a sequence of instructions and the constants as defined by a particular built-in macro instruction. Per convention this sequence of instructions will never change the values on the JVM stack except for pushing the result (a.k.a return value) of the macro instruction on the top of it. Some macro instructions don't have a return value and so don't change the JVM stack at all.

The general syntax of a macro instruction statement is as follows:

macro instruction statement = macro instruction identifier, '(',[macro instruction parameters], ')' ;
macro instruction parameters = macro instruction parameter, {macro instruction parameter} ;
macro instruction parameter = [cast expression], (constant name|field name|variable name|literal|macro instruction statement)

Some important remarks to the above definition:

Note: field references and local fields as parameters of a macro instruction don't refer to the field's current value but to the field itself. To use a field's value as a macro instruction parameter you have to use the built-in macro instruction .getfield



Macro parameter type conversions

While generating the sequence of instructions for a macro instruction the assembler tries to perform the necessary type conversions of parameters, such as boxing and unboxing, numerical conversions, string conversions etc. on the fly. Additionally it is possible to state a type conversion explicitly via a cast expression ( see above ). Note however that the assembler doesn't check if the specified conversion is really possible, so that generated instructions my still be rejected later in the verification phase either by the assembler itself or by the JVM. A further important point to note is that the assembler doesn't derive the type of the local variables corresponding to the current method parameters from the method signature, because the variable's content can always be changed while the method executes.

Built-in macro instructions

This following sections describe one after another lilac's built-in macro instructions: their purpose, parameters and, where appropriate, return value. As already said above the return value of a macro instruction will be pushed onto the JVM stack.



.getfield(instance?, field reference)


Obtains the value from a field.


instance - the object to which the field to obtain belongs. This parameter is omitted if the field is static.
field reference - the field reference or a local field name which specfies the field to obtain.


The field's value.





.putfield(instance?, field reference, value)


Sets the value of a field.


instance - the object to which the field to set belongs. This parameter is omitted if the field is static.
field reference - the field reference or a local field name which specfies the field to set. value - value to which the field should be set.


The field's value.


.putfield(this, name, "Max");



.invokevirtual(method reference, instance?, ...parameters)


Invokes a non-static, non-private method on a class instance.


method reference - the method reference or a local method name which specfies the method to invoke.
instance - the instance on which to invoke the method.
parameters - parameters to pass to the method.


The result of the invocation or nothing if the method is void


.invokevirtual(Object.equals, this, object2);



.invokeinterface(interface method reference, instance?, ...parameters)


Invokes an interface method on an interface instance.


interface method reference - the interface method reference which specfies the method to invoke.
instance - the instance on which to invoke the method.
parameters - parameters to pass to the method


The result of the invocation or nothing if the method is void


.invokeinterface(Comparable.compareTo, this, object2);



.invokespecial(method reference, instance?, ...parameters)


Invokes a private non-static method on a class instance.


method reference - the method reference or local method name which specfies the method to invoke.
instance - the instance on which to invoke the method.
parameters - parameters to pass to the method


The result of the invocation or nothing if the method is void


.invokespecial(initialize, this, 1,2,"Max");



.invokestatic(method reference, ...parameters)


Invokes a static method.


method reference - the method reference or local method name which specfies the method to invoke.
parameters - parameters to pass to the method


The result of the invocation or nothing if the method is void


.invokestatic(Integer.parseInt, "12",10);

.new - creating a class instance


.new(class reference, constructor reference,...parameters)


Creates an instance of a class and initializes is using the passed constructor method.


class reference - the class to which the instance to create belongs.
constructor reference - the constructor to initialize the new instance
parameters - parameters to pass to the constructor


The new initialized instance



.new - creating an array instance


.new(array reference, size)


Creates an instance of an arraytype of passed size.


array reference - the array type to which the instance to create belongs.
size - the size of the array to create


The new initialized array instance







Creates a string representation of every parameter and concats the resulting strings together.


parameters - parameters to concat


The resulting string


.concat("Name = ",name,", size = ", 5);





Creates a string representation of every parameter concats the resulting strings together and prints the resulting line to the console.


parameters - parameters to concat and print.


no result


.println("Name = ",name,", size = ", 5);



.sprintln(out, parameters)


Creates a string representation of every parameter concats the resulting strings together and prints the resulting line to the stream passed with the first parameter.

Parameters: out - the stream
parameters - parameters to concat and print.‚


no result


.sprintln(.getfield(System.out), "Name = ",name,", size = ", 5);